Jamaican TikToker Ableboss going viral after bestfriend release photos

A popular instagram comedian, now TikTok streamer has since gone viral after an argument with his friend and fellow TikToker ‘Roger’.

Roger accused Ableboss of betrayal and trying to sabotage him for money and fame.

The famous TikToker also claimed Ableboss  is not a real friend on his stream that garnered thousands of live viewers.

Roger further on stated that Ableboss shared private photos to a mutual friend of theirs known as Lady Louise, who later sent him the pictures.

Ableboss responded saying “I trusted you, that is where I went wrong. I wouldn’t have sent those photos if I didn’t trust you“.

Lady Louis said on Roger’s live stream that Ableboss tricked her into buying him a Mercedes-Benz motor vehicle.

He said he wanted £8000 to treat his hemorrhoids. I told him I needed proof before I sent him the money” said, Louise.

Tiktok creators have been shared their opinions and disgust with some saying “Ableboss would do anything for money”.