Four men perished in a motorcycle accident in Westmoreland

Four young men died in a motorcycle accident along the Culloden main road in Westmoreland on Sunday afternoon.

The deceased has been identified as 22-year-old Arsenio Forbes, Tevin Bailey, Renado Fenton, and Kimany Thomas all of a Whitehouse address in the parish.

Reports are that, shortly after 6:00pm four young men were traveling on two motorbikes with no registration plates when they crashed into a white minibus.

According to Superintendent Othniel Dobson, the commanding officer for the Westmoreland police division, the motorcyclist was trying to overtake another vehicle.

After failing to keep left, they crashed into the front of the minibus coming from the opposite direction.

All four men were taken to the hospital where they were pronounced dead.

Family members have called for a ban on bikes following the fatal quadruple crash.

This brings the tally to 190 people killed in motor vehicle accidents since the start of the year.

201 people died in motor vehicle accidents in 2023 between January and June 16.


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